
Our high-quality Child Development Programs are available for children in preschool through middle school. Our Early Childhood Education and Youth Enrichment Programs are located at 680 Wilson Avenue and feature a full-sized indoor gym, art studio, commercial size kitchen, playgrounds, outdoor garden, and counseling rooms. These programs support the academic, social-emotional, physical, and behavioral needs of youth. Afterschool and summer programs can also boost academic performance, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe, structured environment for children of working parents (

Childcare Programs

Preschool / Pre-K

We offer high-quality early learning environment to promote healthy development

Elementary School Enrichment Program

Our Elementary Enrichment Program provides academic after-school support.

Middle School Enrichment Program

Students are supported academically and emotionally in a safe, inclusive manner.

Childcare Scholarships

Are you seeking a childcare scholarship for your child?

Other Programs We Offer

Childcare Healthy Food Program

Children are provided free nutritionally balanced meals daily.

Tax Assistance

Receive assistance filing taxes on time and accessing all available tax credits.

Developmental Playgroup

A quality early learning environment for children ages 2 to 5.